Sunday, April 1, 2007

Black & white & grey all over

Here I am getting ready for my big trip, excited to see what Cuba is all about. And what do you know? I run across a young Cuban man in an Internet chat room, and we spend the better part of an hour talking all about U.S. Cuba relations. I must say his personal story forced me to think hard about some of my preconceptions about Cuba. I won't go into more detail than that, other than to say that there are many opinions and sides to this issue. If you hold fast to any one, there will be many people who wholeheartedly support you...and many people who vociferouslydisagree with you. It seems so black and white, with very little room for grey. Whether human relations or international relations, I happen to believe less in absolutes and more in the vagaries of human actions and capabilities. I'm not sure what I'll see in Cuba. All one or the other? Or some strange combination of both... like that which can be found in any other nation on earth? We shall see.