Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Friendship Package

Well I know I should be in bed by now, since I am being picked up at 4:45 a.m. (!) tomorrow for a ride to San Diego International Airport (where I work) for my 6:35 a.m. flight to Cancun via Phoenix, which will lead to an evening flight to Havana, arriving there (at last) just before midnight. Yes, I should be in bed. BUT after getting all packed and ready to go, I had just one more thing to do: put together a 'Friendship Package' of miscellaneous sundries and other goods in short supply in Cuba. Global Exchange reminded us we are allowed to bring such a package and give it to our tour operator, who will in turn give it to an organization that will get it in the hands of needy Cubans. To get it through customs, it has to be marked 'ICAP' on the outside, along with an itemized list of contents. ICAP stands for 'Instituto Cubano de Amistad con los Pueblos' (or, the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the People). It bills itself as the largest international solidarity Nongovernmental Organization in Cuba. Many U.S. groups work with ICAP to create people-to-people exchanges with Cuba. I just finished packing my ICAP Friendship Package, shown above. Thanks to my coworker Jamie for providing the perfect-sized box. The candle you see on top of it is a Holy Land Peace candle which was a Christmas present from my Mom last year. The candles are made jointly by Israeli and Palestinian women, to show the world that peace is possible between long-time adversaries. I thought it was a fitting object to photograph with my Cuba Friendship Package. Now off to bed to rest up for the trip of a lifetime!