"Las Terrazas is a 12,000-acre preserve that was completely deforested half a century ago. In 1968 reforestation began, along with an experimental town that was intended to coexist in harmony with nature. Six million trees were planted with 27 species of hardwood, the hillsides were terraced, and the town of Las Terrazas was founded.
From the mountain mahoe trees that are harvested on a limited basis, Cubans make baseball bats. And in the shade of carob trees grow small amounts of coffee.
In 1985 the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) named the area Cuba's first biosphere reserve. In 1991, the 26-room Hotel Moka was built in order to attract eco-tourists for bird-watching and hiking."
The day we visited, a true tropical rain poured down for the entire afternoon. After lunch, a local family offered us shelter in their humble home. Our tour guide for the day, in the green shirt, was Rodolfo.
There are no beaches like Hawaii !!! Not even close !!!
It's great to hear about projects like that of Las Terrazas. The question that I have is: are all the species of trees utilized in the reforestation of Las Terrazas representative of the flora of the Cuban archipelago (endemic)?
Cuba Has better beaches then Hawaii ! Sorry
Cuba has way better beaches then Hawaii !!
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