Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Special Cuban Caravanistas dinner tonight in San Diego!

All Cuba Calling readers are invited to an exciting dinner party in San Diego tonight welcoming this year's 20th Friendshipment Caravan to Cuba arriving in San Diego on July 14, 2009 on their way to meet other caravanistas from all over the United States to continue to Cuba to deliver humanitarian aid and tour the island.

The evening's program begins with a Cuban meal (cooked by Cuban chef Ismael) and potluck dinner at 6 PM, followed by guest speaker Alicia Jrapko; a 13-minute documentary on the Cuban Five; a poetry reading; and concluding with testimonials from caravanistas on this year's journey, telling why they are going to Cuba.

The address of the event is the First Unitarian Universalist Church, 4190 Front Street (across from the UCSD Medical Center), San Diego, CA 92101. For more information, call Betty Fry at 619-582-8288. Donations are welcome but not required.

Please reply to this E-mail letting us know you can attend. We're looking forward to an evening of solidarity and sharing.