(NOTE: I received this from a friend of mine in San Diego, a wonderful lady to helps organize goodwill aide trips to Cuba. Perhaps some readers and fans of 'Cuba Calling' would be interested in contributing to this cause to provide assistance to the Cuban people. She mentions $100, but they'd gladly accept any amount you want to provide -- they're only $1,000 short!). Here is the message from my friend:]
The San Diego Friends of Cuba group has come within $1,000 of matching the $3,000 now available for purchase of a San Diego bus to carry humanitarian aid (medical supplies, wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, etc.) and caravanistas down to Texas and then Tampico, Mexico for transport to Cuba. The humanitarian aid goes directly to a Cuban interfaith center. The caravanistas tour the island and have a close-up look at many of the communities on the island. Our objective is to end the U.S. government blockade against the country of Cuba.
If we can get 10 people to give $100 each we'll reach our goal. All the person has to do is:
- Write a check for $100 to IFCO (Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization)
- Write 'San Diego Bus' on the memo line
- Mail the check to 418 W. 145th St. New York, NY 10031
The person/organization can come to our party at the Malcolm X Library on July 9 and paint a message and signature on the side of the bus (like the one pictured) before it leaves for Arizona. Speaking of the July 9 party (2-7 PM at the Malcolm X Library in San Diego, FREE FOOD! and music!) I hope very much you can come and bring your friends.